Saturday, May 25, 2013

May Weeks 2 and 3

all grown up...

other animals on the farm

Speckled sussex pullets at ten weeks

Fire enjoys the sun and fresh green grass

Gigi is getting bigger

art in the classroom




 weeding, seeding and watering





in the yard




a toast-y picnic with nutritional yeast and kim chee


Gigi gets three bottles at a time now... three times a day


afternoon spelling


Monday, May 13, 2013

May Week 1

The first week of May brought glorious sunny weather with lots of time spent outside.

Cami's doeling was born with a weak front leg during the last weekend of April.  Cami refused to to feed her and pushed her away.  So we started bottle feeding little Gigi.  The children have been a big help.  Her limp is gone now, and she can keep up with the rest of the herd just fine, but we love to have her (and sometimes her brother Georgie) visit us in the play yard during the day.

Gracie's buckling


feeding Gigi


Gigi and Georgie

the first weekend in May, Kiki kidded two bucklings


springtime in full effect

cooperative play in the sandbox


picking flowers and grass

the chicks moved outside

golden-laced, silver-laced wyandotes, aracaunas

 planting the herb garden with basil and sage


 a nest of robins up under the eve of the barn roof, as seen through tip-toe photographs




working and playing

 taking a hike


apples blossoms and mayapples

climbing on 'old joe'
