Sunday, August 18, 2013

August 12-16


We are back in session, after two months off to have a baby


doll's picnic





 food prep


Our Menu this Week:


am snack:  green grapes and tofu kan

lunch: red lentils
roasted beets and cauliflower
cucumber slices
fresh chevre and pumpkin seeds

pm snack: muenster and crackers


am snack: blueberries and toast triangles with flax oil

lunch: black beans
fresh sweet corn on the cob
mashed sweet potatoes
pressed red cabbage salad with parsley
sauteed summer squash

pm snack: fresh peaches and greek yogurt


am snack: blueberries and plain rice cakes

lunch: roasted purple potatoes
soy boy veggie dogs
sauteed green beans
cucumber slices and carrot sticks

pm snack: bananas and buckwheat cereal

Welcome Back!